Arthritis Management

Arthritis means inflammation of the joints, and it might cause pain, swelling and limited motion of one or many joints in the body. More than 100 different illnesses can cause arthritis.

At PhysioCare & Rehab, our team of healthcare professionals can provide you exercises designed to preserve the mobility, strength, and use of your joints. Our therapist will tailor a program to your specific needs, whether your arthritic problems are widespread or confined to one joint or body area.

The goals of treatment are to:

  • Prevent loss of use of the joints
  • Restore abilities that may have been lost
  • Help you adapt to new activity levels
  • Maintain your fitness
  • Maintain your ability to take part in the activities you choose with minimal help from others


Therapy should be started early in order to reduce painful symptoms of inflammation, prevent deformity, permanent joint stiffness and maintain strength in the surrounding muscles. When pain and swelling are better controlled, treatment plans may include exercises to increase range of motion and improve muscle strength and endurance.

Our therapists can also coach you the proper body mechanics to move from one position to another and the proper mechanics during the performance of household activities. They can also instruct you on proper posture to protect the integrity of the joints. Our therapists can also educate you on the use of walking aids such as crutches, a walker, or a cane when required.

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